Social Media Strategy.
Guess what? Your customers can tell when it’s not you speaking.
“I’ve got to get on all the social media sites!”
If you’ve ever said that to yourself (or anyone else), be prepared to be mistaken. Because not every business is suited to every social media platform. We can explain that one further if you’d like to chat. But that’s just Part 1 of the Social Media Equation.
Part 2 is if your company does any social media at all, it had better be authentic. First, that means taking your brand consistently through all channels you use. Second, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck – it had better BE a duck. Customers are online savvy, and one of the easiest things to spot is when a company outsources their social media to a typical “expert.”The message is boring, self-promoting, and non-specific. (Take a look around online, and you’ll see it yourself.) The whole purpose of social media is to provide information that will make your customers’ lives better over the long run so they recognize the value you can bring to them when they need your product. That’s a tall order. We’ll have ours with ice, thank you.
So while you may need to get assistance in handling your social media presence, you need to do it with someone who knows you, your business, your voice, your goals, and your passion for what you do. (Not to quack our own horn, but we would be such a Duck.)